ACO Shower Drain. Surprisingly simple specification, installation and maintenance. Surprisingly simple ShowerDrain S+.
ACO Shower Drain. Surprisingly simple.

The creative concept combines installation benefits and user-friendliness under one striking message "the surprisingly simple ShowerDrain S+".

The message manages to arouse the curiosity of customers, and the ACO thus gets their attention. The concept is developed into two stories to reflect the problems of the chosen target groups.

Image spots support the online campaign and print materials.

B2B communication is again divided into two lines: communication directed at bathroom studios and communication directed at installers.

The message manages to pique the curiosity of customers, and the ACO gets their attention.

For ACO Passavant GmbH, we developed a global strategy & campaign for the launch of the new ShowerDrain S+ shower tray. The whole category is facing pressure on price and quality on the one hand, chronic lack of time on the other. At first glance, ACO's product is similar to its competitors, however, at second glance ACO offers a host of clever details that simplify the job for plumbers and customers, saving time. The ACO product solves relevant problems, it just needs to get enough time and attention to explain its benefits. The creative concept combines installation benefits and user-friendliness under one punchy message, "the surprisingly simple ShowerDrain S+". The message manages to pique the curiosity of customers, and the ACO gets their attention. The creative concept is developed into two stories. The first highlights the user benefits, the second the installation benefits.
Spot production:
Photography: Dušan Tománek